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Dr Michele Tjeuw

BDs (Syd), MDSc (Paed Dent), MRACDS (Paed)


  • Dentist



Dr Michele Tjeuw is a registered specialist Paediatric Dentist. She attended the University of Sydney and graduated as a dentist with a Bachelor of Dental Science. Upon graduation, Michele worked in both hospital and private practice in Sydney. She has taught dental students, dental therapists and new graduates for several years at the University of Sydney, Sydney Dental Hospital and the University of North Carolina.

With an interest in children and adults with special needs, she has set up preventative dental programs in special schools as well as the Special Smiles program as part of the Special Olympics in Australia, where her team has performed dental screenings for people with disabilities as part of various sporting events.

Michele completed the specialist training program at the University of Sydney with secondments at Westmead Centre for Oral Health, Sydney Dental Hospital and the Children's Hospital at Westmead. Apart from the writing of a thesis, the course gave her the opportunity to treat children with a wide range of dental anomalies, medical conditions, dental trauma and facial infections.

Michele was the first dentist to be awarded the BJ Amos Travelling Scholarship. She travelled to the USA where she held a faculty appointment as Assistant Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina. She was part of a new program in the USA promoting oral health to expectant mothers and their babies, and has started a local program in Australia educating young mothers and pre-schoolers. Since returning to Australia Michele has worked in private specialist practices in Sydney. She is the President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry. Michele holds memberships to the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, International Association of Paediatric Dentistry, the Australasian Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry, Australian Dental Association and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.

She also has two children who keep her busy and grounded.


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